• Concave Front
  • Concave Hind


Kerckhaert offers an excellent selection of concave shoes. The shapes and punching of Kerckhaert result in a premium concave shoe. The toe is now “safed” or slightly beveled; a modification that is commonly used for concave. The Concave series boasts the innovative radius clips found on many of the other Kerckhaert series. The hinds feature a lateral heel extension (wider heel pattern) up to size 3. Quarter and toe clipped fronts and side clipped hinds.

Punched for E-head.

Item #DescriptionPrice - Qty Break
KCCFTC1Concave Front TC #1
1-9 $11.95/pr.       10+ $11.15/pr.
KCCFTC2Concave Front TC #2
1-9 $11.95/pr.       10+ $11.15/pr.
KCCFTC3Concave Front TC #3
1-9 $11.95/pr.       10+ $11.15/pr.
KCCHC1Concave Hind SC #1
1-9 $11.95/pr.       10+ $11.15/pr.
KCCHC2Concave Hind SC #2
1-109 $11.95/pr.       110+ $11.15/pr.
KCCHC3Concave Hind SC #3
1-9 $11.95/pr.       10+ $11.15/pr.


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Proper Installation of FootPro Solid Carbide Studs