• St. Croix Ultra Lite Rim

Ultra Lite Rim

Provides traction while adding minimal weight

Providing exceptional traction in a super light weight all purpose shoe is what the Ultra Lite Rim is designed to offer.  Built on the successful St.Croix Plain Lite Rim shoe and nail pattern, this reduced weight and increased traction shoe is ideal when shoe weight is of primary concern.  The generic shape is easy to modify and features a crease from heel to heel.  This shoe is punched for an SB5 nail.

Good to know

  • Traction
  • Light weight
  • Generic pattern easily shaped into front or hind
  • Many not be suitable when significant support is needed
  • Not available with clips

Item #DescriptionPrice - Qty Break
SCULR000St. Croix Ultra Lite Rim Size 000
1-19 $7.20/pr.       20+ $6.75/pr.
SCULR00St. Croix Ultra Lite Rim Size 00
1-19 $7.20/pr.       20+ $6.75/pr.
SCULR0St. Croix Ultra Lite Rim Size 0
1-19 $7.55/pr.       20+ $7.05/pr.
SCULR1St. Croix Ultra Lite Rim Size 1
1-19 $7.75/pr.       20+ $7.25/pr.
SCULR2St. Croix Ultra Lite Rim Size 2
1-19 $8.35/pr.       20+ $7.80/pr.


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