SX-8 Select

SX-8 Select Hinds

On these shoes the heels are elongated and tapered. The widest part of the shoe is moved forward, allowing extended heel fit. They are punched for 5 city, slim, and combo slims. These shoes are unclipped

Item #DescriptionPrice - Qty Break
KSX8SH00SX-8 Select Hinds #00
1-9 $7.25/Pr       10-29 $6.75/Pr       30+ $6.60/Pr
KSX8SH0SX-8 Select Hind #0
1-14 $7.25/Pr       15-44 $6.75/Pr       45+ $6.60/Pr
KSX8SH1SX-8 Select Hind #1
1-14 $7.25/pr       15-44 $6.75/pr       45+ $6.60/pr
KSX8SH2SX-8 Select Hind #2
1-14 $7.25/Pr       15-44 $6.75/Pr       45+ $6.60/Pr


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